Senior Services
Our Mission
The Dawson County Senior Center’s primary mission is to provide programs that address the nutritional, emotional, mental, physical and social needs of the senior population while recognizing that aging is a normal process and senior adults have a right to have a voice in determining matters in which they have a vital interest. We provide a number of activities and services for Dawson County's seniors.
Participation Criteria
- Be 60 years or older.
- Be ambulatory with or without assistance devices
- Be able to perform activities of daily living independently, (i.e., eating, able to use the bathroom without assistance, etc.)
- Not exhibit severe confusion or wandering if unattended
- Have no functional or other impairments which hinder the capacity to participate in any activity in the center, or if there is an impairment, participant must have a willingness to adapt, when necessary, to receive full benefit for participation in the Senior Center programs and services
- Be supportive of the “contribution philosophy” as noted in the Federal Older Americans Act
- Comply with center rules and policies (i.e., smoking and non-smoking areas, meals, and transportation reservation system)
- Complete necessary enrollment forms (i.e., emergency contact, medical history, financial information)
- If the meal quota does not allow for new clients, Individuals can agree to: bring their own lunch, pay full cost of meal, secure a sponsor to pay for meals