Volunteer Information
Volunteers are essential to all programs and services provided through Senior Centers. Anyone who wishes to volunteer should consult the center director or coordinator. Tasks will be assigned to the volunteer, and Senior Center staff (according to assignment) will provide supervision. Orientation, training, instructions, recognition and appreciation will be provided to all volunteers.
Volunteers must follow rules, policies, and procedures for the program to which they are assigned.
The Senior Center may provide a meal to Volunteers participating in the meals program when:
- They are 60 years of age or older, or
- The spouse of an eligible person
- The meal would not deprive an older person of the meal
The Senior Center Director may relieve a volunteer from duties if the volunteer is considered incapable of performing those duties.
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
- RSVP offers individuals aged 55+ opportunities for volunteer community service
- The volunteers serve in a variety of ways in public and non-profit agencies in 11 counties
For more information, please contact us.