  • Grades Kindergarten-6th
    • Kind/1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grade squads
      • 7th grade and up are organized by the school cheer program.  For additional information and registration, please contact your school.
  • Fees: 
    • $140 (new uniform)                          
      • Fee includes shell, skirt, briefs, and poms 
      • A late fee of $20 applies to any registration accepted after the advertised registration deadline
      • See additional uniform sizing information below
    • $65 (NO uniform)
      • Fee does not include any uniform items or accessories
      • Participant will use uniform and accessories from the 2024 season
  • Registration - check online calendar for specific registration dates
    • Online Registration begins early April   
      • 24 hours/day through midnight of final day
    • Walk-in Registration in early May
      • Weekdays 8:00AM-5:00PM
      • Final Monday open until 8:00PM 
      • No Walk-in registration on weekends  
    • Please visit the Registration Information page for additional informational regarding financial assistance, late registration, trying out for a school team, etc. 
  • Uniform Sizing
    • Registrations must be completed and paid in full in order for a uniform to be included in the uniform order.  Any child that shows up for an appointment that has not yet registered can be sized; however, the uniform sizes will not be added to the order until the registration is complete/paid (which must be done by the designated registration deadline).
    • ** SIGN-UP HERE ** for a sizing time slot for your cheerleader - ALL CHEERLEADERS WILL RECEIVE A NEW UNIFORM PACKAGE FOR THE 2024 SEASON
      • The sign-up will not be active until April 1st
      • Please arrive on time for your schedule appointment.  Sizing time slots are scheduled 10 minutes apart.  You will be expected to relinquish sample sizes at the advertised end time of your scheduled appointment so the next appointment can start on time.
      • The uniform company representative will be present on a select day during the walk-in registration period to provide expert advice on sizes; park staff will administer all other sizing appointments.  
    • Due the amount of time it takes to receive cheer uniforms, they are ordered immediately after the cheer registration period has ended.  As a result of not having time to reschedule sizing appointments to take place after registration ends, any participant who fails to schedule a sizing appointment or fails to attend their scheduled appointment will have the option to receive a full refund (and registration will be cancelled) or may use one of the extra uniforms (limited sizes).
  • Required Documents Deadline in July
    • All Dawson County cheer participants must provide all of the following documents in order to be eligible to participate in the Dawson County league.  These requirements must be met in order for the child to participate in this activity.
      • Most recent report card, which will serve as their grade verification (and can also serve as their proof of residency if they attend school in the Dawson County public school system). If the child lives in Dawson County but attends school in a different county, player must present proof of residency as well as a report card. 
  • Practices begin in late-July/early-August
  • Pictures in September*
  • Football games begin in September*

*Please visit the Schedules & More page to view all available rules, schedules, etc.

PLEASE NOTE:  Traveling outside Dawson County will be necessary for this activity.  Admission fees will be charged at events associated with this activity.

The Dawson County Parks & Recreation youth cheerleading program is governed by the Mountain Football League.  More information on this association can be found at

Contact:  Dawson County Parks & Recreation
Phone: (706) 344-3646